The drinker’s zeitgeist defines the beer style of the moment. The world wants pastry stout one moment, then wants fruited black wit the next. We would be remiss to deny the recent appeal of the English classic testament to malt, the barleywine. It is with that we sought to test the capacity for our recently available kveik strains to quickly produce this juggernaut of a style. With a healthy pitch and fermentation temperatures in the high 90s, we were able to reach terminal gravity in 36 hours and to have a complex, fruity, and dangerously drinkable beer in less than two weeks. While any barleywine recipe you’ve had success with will do wonderfully with all of our kveik strains, we wanted to share our experience brewing a rich and thick 16% barleywine with our Hornindal Kveik (OYL-091).
OG — 1.150
FG — 1.030
ABV — 16%
IBU — 45
Add grain to 14 gallons water at 164°F for a target mash of 154°F. Hold mash temp for 90 minutes. Recirculate mash until wort is free from large amounts of grain. Drain off wort into boil kettle for approximately 11 gallons (sparge as needed for a boil gravity of 1.075). Boil for 240 minutes, adding hops at 60 minutes (IMPORTANT: please be aware of your boil-off rate, as you should finish your boil with 5.5 gallons and aim to get 5 gallons into your fermenter). Pitch yeast at 90 – 95°F (a 1L starter is highly recommended).