The historical thread of hoppy pale beer stretches back further than the now ubiquitous IPA. One of our in-house favorite styles, known for its crisp world-class German malts bolstering Noble hop character, is the German Pils. Lighter, paler, and drier than their Czech brethren, German Pils showcase spicy & earthy flavors and aromas.
Pilsner malt is the only malt you need to accomplish this style. While we’ve gone with a mix of three hops for our first go at the recipe, any combination of Saaz, Tettnang, Hallertau, Perle, or Hersbrucker will accomplish your goal for the style; aim for approximately 1 oz/5 gallons in late hopping and the same amount in dry-hopping. Mash longer at a lower temperature and use a more attenuative lager yeast, such as Bayern Lager (OYL-114) or German Lager I (OYL-106), to achieve a dry finish. Feel free to pitch warmer (60 – 64 degrees F), as this should still produce a clean and crisp lager.
OG — 1.047
FG — 1.012
ABV — 4.75%
IBU — 30
Pilsner Malt — 9 lb (100%)
Perle — 1 oz at 60 Minutes
Hallertau Mittelfruh — .5 oz at 0 minutes (Flameout)
Hersbrucker — .5 oz at 0 minutes (Flameout)
Hallertau Mittelfruh — .5 oz dry-hop for 2 days
Hersbrucker — .5 oz dry-hop for 2 days
Yeasts — German Lager (OYL-106), German Bock (OYL-111), or Bayern Lager (OYL-114)
Add grain to 7.75 gallons water at 152°F for a target mash of 148°F. Hold mash temp for 60 minutes. Recirculate mash until wort is free from large amounts of grain. Drain off wort into boil kettle for approximately 7.25 gallons (sparge as needed for a boil gravity of 1.035). Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops as noted above. Pitch yeast as directed. After 50% of target attenuation has been observed, raise temperature to 68 degrees, dry hop as directed, and allow 2 – 3 days for a diacetyl rest. Lager beer prior to packaging.