Sour beers have found their place on the tap list, though their dry acidity is likable to wine or certain cocktails. Most sours are fermented one of two ways: 1) quick turnaround or “kettle sours” use Lactobacillus, typically before the yeast is pitched, resulting in a clean lactic tang (a good way to produce refreshing Berliner Weisse-style beers that can also contain fruit), or 2) Lactobacillus and/or Pediococcus acts during a long secondary fermentation, often in conjunction with Brettanomyces, resulting in a dry acidity akin to wine (think Belgian Lambic). Brewing sour beers can take a bit of skill, but you’ll be well on your way with our Lactobacillus Blend (OYL-605).
Check out our tutorial below, and please reach out if we can help —
(We recommend a pitch rate of 1L per 3bbl of unhopped wort.)
Most brewers reach their desired pH in under 24 hours.
(A five gallon starter is appropriate for quickly souring up to 50bbl of wort. For larger batches, increase starter size.)
Most brewers reach their desired pH in under 24 hours.
Omega Yeast’s own Adi Hastings was featured on the Milk the Funk Podcast – where he goes in depth on the kettle souring process, including microbes, techniques, and tips on avoiding off-flavors. They also discuss the possibilities of using this method for making beer styles other than Berliner Weisse and gose, as well as industry issues surrounding this process. Check it out!